2008年9月20日 星期六

See flash10,flex4,AIR1.5,Fxg,Thermo,Degrafa

I usually avoid any online video presentations that last longer than 15 minutes (my attention span limit), but in this case, I made an exception. This one hour and ten minute video is loaded with some VERY good content including information and demos of Flash 10, Flex 4, AIR 1.5, FXG / MXMLG, Thermo and the announcement of the collaboration of Degrafa and Adobe.

The video is the keynote from last week’s 360Flex event by Mark Anders, Adobe’s senior principal scientist.

So, gather your kids, make some popcorn, sit back and enjoy. You will also find this and other 360Flex sessions on Adobe Media Player:

If you feel the player screen too small,maybe you can link below link


